Monday, December 07, 2015

Announcement re The Mideast Reporter

Please see updated post, March 2016.

A note to readers:

Please be advised that I have not been with The Mideast Reporter, which I co-founded and co-edited, since Nov. 21, 2015. I have had no editorial or marketing role in the venture since then.

I had my name removed from the Mideast Reporter's "Masthead" and "About" sections, but it was on marketing and fundraising materials that were widely distributed, as well as public documents. 

I also resigned from the board of directors. Board member Brooke Goldstein, one of two independent directors, resigned in mid-December 2015, leaving two persons on the board of directors. The managing editor, Robert J. Rosenberg, resigned in early December 2015, leaving one person (the other co-founder) on the editorial staff.

To fulfill its mission, such a venture must avoid advocacy, eschew personal attacks in its media criticism, and reflect multiple viewpoints. Its management needs to devote itself full-time to the project, avoid conflicts of interest and cronyism, and eschew the natural tendency to turn it into a personal platform or "ego trip." Otherwise the venture risks becoming yet another pro-Israel blog, and, by over-promising, perhaps does more harm than good.

(Originally posted December 7, 2015; subsequently revised.)

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