Medifast, Meet Barbra Streisand

Ms. Streisand, I'd like you to meet another dumb lawsuit plaintiff
In an item the other day I described how a lawyer for Shaquille O'Neal, suitably named "Roach," had sent a threatening "cease and desist" letter to blogger Tim Sykes, demanding that Tim remove all refrences to a company tied in to O'Neal called NXT Nutritionals Holdings Inc.
Doing so was dumb as hell, because all the Roach did was to amplify Tim's claim that NXT is a "pump and dump"--something known as the "Streisand Effect," after an equally dumb lawsuit the singer once filed. All the suit filed by Streisand accomplished was to disseminate a photograph she was trying to suppress.
Roach was pretty dumb, but I've found someone even dumber--a company called Medifast Inc. Repeat: Medifast Inc. (just want to be sure you noticed) that is suing Barry Minkow, his Fraud Discovery Institute, forensic accounting ace Tracy Coenen and a bunch of other people, including an anonymous person on a Yahoo! message board, for saying naughty things about the poor wittle dahling mutlilevel marketer.
Here is Tracy's post on the suit, and here is a post from Sam Antar asking Medifast why it hasn't responded to the allegations that have arisen concerning the firm.
As with NXT, I have no opinion on Medifast except that a suit like this is just plain stupid. All it is going to accomplish is to disseminate Minkow's claims to people like myself who don't follow such things and ordinarily couldn't care less.
Sam points out:
The lawsuit alleges that Barry Minkow orchestrated an illegal scheme to drive down the stock price of Medifast shares to profit from short selling. However, Minkow has a first amendment right to critique or to use your words "bash" Medifast, notwithstanding the fact that he publicly disclosed that he holds a short position in your company and is a convicted felon. Minkow's opinion and analysis is backed up by very detailed reports prepared for Fraud Discovery Institute by Mr. FitzPatrick and other data made fully available to the public for examination and scrutiny.Medifast, meet Barbra Streisand.The Defendants will certainly assert "truth" as a defense to claims of defamation made against them in this lawsuit. That same kind of truth led a federal Judge in Utah to dismiss Usana's (NASDAQ: USNA) frivolous defamation claims against Fraud Discovery and Barry Minkow and award them legal fees covering their Court costs.
I remind you that discovery in civil litigation is a two-way street. Minkow and the other Defendants can now subpoena all of Medifast's books, records, and documents and closely scrutinize them to look for any possible improprieties and irregularities in defending themselves in this litigation. In addition, they can subpoena documents from Medifast's auditors, vendors, customers, and other business relationships. You and others will be subject to sharp questioning under oath in pre-trial depositions by the Defendant's attorneys. Now Medifast's business documents will ultimately become subject to close public examination and careful scrutiny if this case goes to trial.
© 2010 Gary Weiss. All rights reserved.

Labels: Barbra Streisand, Barry Minkow, junk lawsuits, Medifast Inc., Tracy Coenen
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